It's the season for pumpkin spice, apple cider, and all things baked. Fall is fun, but don't fall into bad habits in this festive time.
First, don't neglect to come in for your adjustments. The Chiropractic adjustment is fundamental for maintaining your health. Aches, pains, and a sluggish musculoskeletal system can often lead us to make poor dietary choices. Next, stay hydrated. There are many drinks highlighted in the Fall season, but water isn't one of them. Limit yourself to one sweetened, caffeinated drink per day while keeping your water bottle nearby. Lastly, keep it moving. The cooler temps make it ideal for outdoor activity. Consider carving out 15 minutes for a walk around the block. If you need additional tips for staying on track during this cinnamon season, give us a call at 386-259-9051 or schedule an appointment online so we can talk more about your specific health needs.
If you have a spine, which we assume you do, then Chiropractic care is for you! The greatest known SIDE EFFECT of Chiropractic care is pain relief. You read that right; pain relief is actually a side effect of the Chiropractic adjustment whose primary goal is to restore mobility and alignment to the joint. There are actually dozens of benefits to Chiropractic care in addition to pain relief.
The power of the Chiropractic adjustment lies in the proximity of the muscular system (bones) to the nervous system (nerves). Your brain communicates with the rest of your body via nerves. Those nerves branch off the spinal cord and reach their destination through space call foramen. Think of a foramen as a tunnel whose walls consist of the vertebral body above and below. When there is misalignment and decreased movement in the joint, inflammation occurs and invades the foramen. This can cause irritation to the nerve that results in well known syndromes such as sciatica, but this can also result in a decreased ability for the body and the brain to communicate. The research is clear; Chiropractic care has many benefits for people of every age. Some benefits include:
While every case is different, most injuries will require more than one visit to remedy. Followup treatments are necessary to train the body just as repeat exercise is necessary to train for strength. When an area of the body has been injured and misaligned for any amount of the time, the surrounding muscles and ligaments begin to adapt to the malposition. Muscles will learn to contract differently through a process called ‘muscle memory’ while ligaments will distort due to ‘plastic deformation’. In order to undo and reset these muscles and ligaments, multiple adjustments, stretches, and exercises are necessary. One adjustment will help the pain for a time, but the injury will go back to its painful state without proper follow-up.
Why should I go to a Chiropractor after a car accident
A: The short answer is natural PAIN RELIEF! Chiropractors offer not only the adjustment but also effective modalities that help reduce the inflammation and pain after an accident. Additionally, Chiropractors are the most equipped to prevent your injury from turning into a chronic issue that can affect you for years to come. The most common injury in a car accident is a sprain commonly referred to as ‘whiplash’. A sprain is defined as an overstretching of a ligament. A ligament can only overstretch when the bones of the adjacent joint have separated to some degree. Restoring alignment to joints is the Chiropractic specialty! Just think, if the bones of an injured joint are not properly aligned then the ligament will heal improperly putting you at risk for future damage and pain to that joint. An aligned joint allows for proper healing of a sprained ligament and wards off chronic issues. Is the old saying true, “Once a sprain, always a sprain”? While there is some truth to this statement, the likelihood of future sprain is greatly reduced with proper care. Once an injury has occurred to an area of the body, there will always be an increased likelihood of repeat injury to that area due to a principle known as ‘plastic deformation’. It is like when you stretch a rubber band out as far as it can go, then notice that it doesn’t go back to its original size. Fortunately, the structures of the body have better luck bouncing back than that rubber band. The only way a ligament can be overstretched, sprained, is when the two bones making up the joint move lose their normal position. Aligning bones that are out of position is the Chiropractic specialty. An aligned joint allows that proper healing of that sprained ligament therefore making it less likely to sprain in the future.
How many NSAIDs does it take to cure a headache? Is there a point where a person takes enough medication to clear up their back pain? These are both rhetorical questions as it is not possible for a chemical to fix a mechanical problem. A gas treatment in a car will not fix a malpositioned gas tank just as a pain reliever can only cover up the effects of physical injury.
Pain is inconvenient. Pain is frustrating. Pain is, well, painful. There ARE situations where pain reliever use is warranted. For example, pain relievers can help one get through the workday when they have no more sick leave. The question really is: will this be a temporary crutch or a lifestyle of symptom management. Managing the pain is one thing, but getting to the CAUSE of the pain is the only way to get rid of it once and for all. THIS IS CHIROPRACTIC! Chiropractic care gets to the root cause of your pain to stamp it out FOR GOOD. You don’t have live with pain. You are in the right place. We can help! Pain, while unpleasant, is a great indicator that something has gone amiss in the body. Pain is the most common symptom that sends people to pharmacies and doctor’s office every year. Many times we address pain with a “pain killer” and not a “problem resolver”. A wellness state can only be achieved when we find the root cause of an injury and work to correct it. Come join the Restore Injury Health Center team as we work toward wellness.
DR. JASMINE PEREZDr. Perez is a Chiropractic physician and the owner of Restore Injury Health Center. Archives
October 2022
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